瀧澤 嵩太朗さん
瀧澤 嵩太朗さん
学年 | D4 |
研究テーマ | 第二言語における発話の流暢性の発達、語彙やチャンクの学習や発達、流暢性とチャンクの関わり |
研究キーワード | 発話の流暢性(oral fluency)、チャンク(formulaic sequence)、語彙習得(vocabulary learning) |

- Saito, K., Macmillan, K., Kroeger, S., Magne, V., Takizawa, K., Kachlicka, M., & Tierney, A. (2022). Roles of domain-general auditory processing in spoken second-language vocabulary attainment in adulthood. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(3), 581-606. doi:10.1017/S0142716422000029.
- Saito, K., Uchihara, T., Suzukida, Y., & Takizawa, K. (in press, 2023). Individual Differences in L2 Listening Proficiency Revisited: Roles of Form, Meaning, and Use Aspects of Phonological Vocabulary Knowledge. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
- Takizawa, K., & Suzuki, S. (2021, June). Role of multi-word units in comprehensibility development: The case of L1-shared judges. The 12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language and Teaching Conference, Brock University, Canada.
- Takizawa, K., Liu, X., Suzuki, S., Deng, T., Matsumura, K., Nakamura, K., Oi, Y., Tahara, T., Watanabe, A., & Zhou, T. (2022, March). Defining TLU Task Characteristics Distinguishing the Different CEFR Levels Through a Textbook Analysis: The Case of a University Speaking Placement Test. Language Testing Research Colloquium [LTRC], Waseda University.
- Takizawa, K. (2022, November). Developing Productive Academic Multiword Unit Test: A Validation Study. Paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Applied Linguistics Research, Prince Sultan University.
- Takizawa, K. (2023, July). Collocational processing as a measure of cognitive fluency: How is it linked to utterance fluency? In P. Peltonen. & C. Wright (Conveners), Fluency as a multilingual practice: Concepts and challenges. Colloquium conducted at the 20th Annual Congress of International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), University of Lyon, France.
- Takizawa, K., Kiyota, A., Suzuki, S., Sawaki, Y., Matsumura, K., Oi, Y., & Deng, Y. (2023, June). Developing an interactional competence rating scale for a university speaking placement test: Insights from existing rating scales and performance data. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2023) Works-in-Progress.
- Suzuki, S., Tanaka, R., Takizawa, K., Eguchi, M., & Matsuyama, Y. (2023, June). Linguistic, discourse and functional aspects of interactional competence across proficiency levels: The case of paired oral discussion task. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2023) Research Paper.
- 日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC2
- 採択年度: 2022年
- 期間: 2023年4月 - 2025年3月
- 特別研究員奨励費
採択年度: 2022年
期間:2023年4月 - 2025年3月 - 「英検」研究助成
採択年度: 2020年
期間: 2020年7月 - 2021年5月
- イギリス、オックスフォード大学
- 期間: 2016年8月から9月
- 内容:文化研修