瀧澤 嵩太朗さん

瀧澤 嵩太朗さん


研究キーワード発話の流暢性(oral fluency)、チャンク(formulaic sequence)、語彙習得(vocabulary learning)


  1. Saito, K., Macmillan, K., Kroeger, S., Magne, V., Takizawa, K., Kachlicka, M., & Tierney, A. (2022). Roles of domain-general auditory processing in spoken second-language vocabulary attainment in adulthood. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(3), 581-606. doi:10.1017/S0142716422000029.
  2. Saito, K., Uchihara, T., Suzukida, Y., & Takizawa, K. (in press, 2023). Individual Differences in L2 Listening Proficiency Revisited: Roles of Form, Meaning, and Use Aspects of Phonological Vocabulary Knowledge. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.


  1. Takizawa, K., & Suzuki, S. (2021, June). Role of multi-word units in comprehensibility development: The case of L1-shared judges. The 12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language and Teaching Conference, Brock University, Canada.
  2. Takizawa, K., Liu, X., Suzuki, S., Deng, T., Matsumura, K., Nakamura, K., Oi, Y., Tahara, T., Watanabe, A., & Zhou, T. (2022, March). Defining TLU Task Characteristics Distinguishing the Different CEFR Levels Through a Textbook Analysis: The Case of a University Speaking Placement Test. Language Testing Research Colloquium [LTRC], Waseda University.
  3. Takizawa, K. (2022, November). Developing Productive Academic Multiword Unit Test: A Validation Study. Paper accepted for presentation at the 3rd International Symposium of Applied Linguistics Research, Prince Sultan University.
  4. Takizawa, K. (2023, July). Collocational processing as a measure of cognitive fluency: How is it linked to utterance fluency? In P. Peltonen. & C. Wright (Conveners), Fluency as a multilingual practice: Concepts and challenges. Colloquium conducted at the 20th Annual Congress of International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), University of Lyon, France.
  5. Takizawa, K., Kiyota, A., Suzuki, S., Sawaki, Y., Matsumura, K., Oi, Y., & Deng, Y. (2023, June). Developing an interactional competence rating scale for a university speaking placement test: Insights from existing rating scales and performance data. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2023) Works-in-Progress.
  6. Suzuki, S., Tanaka, R., Takizawa, K., Eguchi, M., & Matsuyama, Y. (2023, June). Linguistic, discourse and functional aspects of interactional competence across proficiency levels: The case of paired oral discussion task. Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC 2023) Research Paper.


  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員-DC2
  • 採択年度: 2022年
  • 期間: 2023年4月 - 2025年3月


  • 特別研究員奨励費
    採択年度: 2022年
    期間:2023年4月 - 2025年3月
  • 「英検」研究助成
    採択年度: 2020年
    期間: 2020年7月 - 2021年5月


  • イギリス、オックスフォード大学
  • 期間: 2016年8月から9月
  • 内容:文化研修

